CO2 Scrubbers
Franklin Scientific LLC provides sales support, installation and follow-on scheduled and unscheduled maintenance support of products manufactured by Welltech Instrument Company in North and South America.
CO2 Scrubbers
Welltech’s CO2 scrubber directly absorbs the ambient CO2 to keep athletic chambers or hypoxic rooms CO2 levels low. Without a CO2 scrubber, the CO2 will increase quickly when exercising in a closed chamber or room without fresh air exchange creating an unhealthy atmosphere.
The CO2 Scrubber Consists of:
Activated Carbon Filter CO2 filtering system with HEPA filter
CO2 catalyst regeneration system
Siemens PLC with LCD Touch Screen Controller
CO2 sensor and Fan with speed controller
Features and Specifications:
CO2 Level ………………..… < 2000ppm
CO2 Display ……………… ppm
………..….… Saturation Time
Operation Mode ……….. Manual (on/off), timer, CO2 level
…..…. Optional iPad Remote Control
Control ………………….…. Single / Multi-Scrubber
Regeneration ……….…… Programmable/Auto
CO2 Catalyst Life ………… > 10 years
Data Storage ………….... USB memory flash
Material …………………… 304 S.S. or g. steel with coating
Power Supply ………….. 1-phase 240V